• Gorilla Tracking Uganda
  • Gorilla Tracking in Bwindi Forest Uganda
  • Photograpy Adventures and Nature Tours in Uganda
  • White Water Rafting Adventures

Our Staff

Meet the Team at Gorilla Tour Africa

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin gravida luctus dui eu placerat. Aliquam vitae tincidunt lorem. Nam ligula neque, laoreet ut rhoncus et, varius at mi. Morbi sit amet rutrum velit. Phasellus blandit tincidunt quam vitae rhoncus. Morbi velit mi, ornare nec tempor non, ultricies eget ante.

Wilbur Begumisa

CEO and Founder / wilbur@gorillatourafrica.com

Wilbur is the founder and Managing Director for Africa Adventure Safaris. Born in Mbarara, in a small village near Lake Mburo National Park, Wilbur grew up with strong passion for wildlife and nature. He has lived in both the USA and Uganda. He is the man behind the success of Africa Adventure Safaris, and has organized countless trips in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo featuring gorilla trekking and wildlife safaris. With over 10 years professional experience in East Africa's Travel industry, Wilbur is ready to plan a perfect trip. As an avid traveler he has explored many countries in Africa and experienced how travel can broaden his horizons by meeting new people and new cultures.

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Mary Mugisha

Operations Manager / mary@gorillatourafrica.com

Mary holds a Bachelors Degree in Tourism with specialization in tour and travel operations. She has has served Africa Adventure Safaris since its inception in 1997. She is a down-to-earth person. She also works as the company's Operations Manager. +256 784 445 444. Email: info@gorillatrekafrica.com




Brian Agaba

Accountant / brian@gorillatourafrica.com

We all know that accommodation contributes much to clients satisfaction. With his knowledge of the best hotels and safari lodges in East Africa, Brian ensures magical travel experience by selecting the best accommodation lodges for your comfort. Whether you are a budget traveler / backpack, Mid-class and high-end, you will get the best accommodation for the greatest Adventure ever.




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Enquiry / Booking

Click here to enquire about this trip or email us through info@gorillatrekafrica.com. To talk to one of our travel help team call +256 312 515 463 / +256 392 834606 / +256 784 445 444